visual hallucination वाक्य
"visual hallucination" हिंदी में visual hallucination in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- In large doses it is said to cause aural or visual hallucinations.
- A . The major departure would be the emphasis on visual hallucinations.
- He was liable to vivid and terrifying dreams, and subject to visual hallucination.
- They have been used as models for cortical memory states and visual hallucinations.
- In a near-dream state, it is common to experience auditory and visual hallucinations.
- With very high doses, THC can induce auditory and visual hallucinations.
- Another thing that may cause visual hallucinations is prolonged visual deprivation.
- Withdrawal symptoms may include auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, tactile hallucinations, delusions, confusion, rebound spasticity.
- They have for instance been used to investigate visual hallucinations.
- She had colorful visual hallucinations of snakes, frogs, and birds.
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