
wilkes land वाक्य

"wilkes land" हिंदी में  wilkes land in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Either the proposed Wilkes Land crater in Antarctica or genera killed.
  2. The Wilkes Land crater in Antarctica has also been proposed as a possible source.
  3. That part of Antarctica was later named Wilkes Land.
  4. Robertson Land, Wilkes Land, and Victoria Land.
  5. In the Windmill Islands area of Wilkes Land, " Schistidium antarctici " is the most common bryophyte.
  6. That part of Antarctica was later named " Wilkes Land ", a name it retains to this day.
  7. The crater is located at a depth of 1.6 kilometers beneath the ice of Wilkes Land in eastern Antarctica.
  8. The coast along which the ship sailed is today known as Wilkes Land, a name given on maps as early as 1841.
  9. The "'Hatch Islands "'are a small group of rocky islands lying east of Ivanoff Head at the head of Vincennes Bay of Wilkes Land, Antarctica.
  10. They were about 2, 050 miles ( 3, 300 kilometers ) southwest of Australia, and 1, 035 miles ( 1, 665 kilometers ) from Antarctica's Wilkes Land.
अधिक:   आगे

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