
written contract वाक्य

"written contract" हिंदी में  written contract in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The terms should be set out in a written contract , however .
    सब शर्तों को लिखित रूप में दिया जानाचाहिए ।
  2. The terms should be set out in a written contract, however. If things go wrong
    सब शर्तों को लिखित रूप में दिया जानाचाहिए ।

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. written acknowledgement
  2. written assignment
  3. written authority
  4. written circuit
  5. written communication
  6. written document
  7. written down value
  8. written examination
  9. written guarantee
  10. written instruction
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