yellow woman वाक्य
"yellow woman" हिंदी में yellow woman in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- He had his fifth child with Yellow Woman.
- The Bent brothers and Charles'mother Yellow Woman joined the Dog Soldiers band.
- In 1864 Yellow Woman also left Bent.
- It was Yellow Woman, she says in the title essay, who taught her to be comfortable with her differences.
- In 1845 Yellow Woman bore William a boy named Charley, or Pe-ki-ree meaning White Hat in Cheyenne.
- Yellow Woman had a son by William Bent; Charles Bent, a half-brother to the others, was born in 1845.
- His brothers Charles and George Bent joined the Dog Soldiers band, as did Yellow Woman, who left William Bent to go with her son Charles.
- By the 1840s two of Owl Woman's younger sisters, Island and Yellow Woman, joined them, in accordance with tribal custom for successful men.
- In the 1840s, according to the Cheyenne custom for successful men, Bent took Owl Woman's sisters, Yellow Woman and Island, as secondary wives.
- In the west is the San Francisco Peaks, which is representative of the color yellow and the " Horizontal Yellow Woman " and is associated with the setting of the sun.
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