
yellow woman वाक्य

"yellow woman" हिंदी में  yellow woman in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. He had his fifth child with Yellow Woman.
  2. The Bent brothers and Charles'mother Yellow Woman joined the Dog Soldiers band.
  3. In 1864 Yellow Woman also left Bent.
  4. It was Yellow Woman, she says in the title essay, who taught her to be comfortable with her differences.
  5. In 1845 Yellow Woman bore William a boy named Charley, or Pe-ki-ree meaning White Hat in Cheyenne.
  6. Yellow Woman had a son by William Bent; Charles Bent, a half-brother to the others, was born in 1845.
  7. His brothers Charles and George Bent joined the Dog Soldiers band, as did Yellow Woman, who left William Bent to go with her son Charles.
  8. By the 1840s two of Owl Woman's younger sisters, Island and Yellow Woman, joined them, in accordance with tribal custom for successful men.
  9. In the 1840s, according to the Cheyenne custom for successful men, Bent took Owl Woman's sisters, Yellow Woman and Island, as secondary wives.
  10. In the west is the San Francisco Peaks, which is representative of the color yellow and the " Horizontal Yellow Woman " and is associated with the setting of the sun.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. yellow snow
  2. yellow spot
  3. yellow turnip
  4. yellow union
  5. yellow wax
  6. yellow-bellied
  7. yellowed
  8. yellowfin
  9. yellowhammer
  10. yellowhammers
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