
yellowfin वाक्य

"yellowfin" हिंदी में  yellowfin in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Made from yellowfin tuna, the Omega Foods TunaBurger radiates freshness.
  2. The yellowfin and bigeye tuna in the 100-lb range.
  3. The yellowfins change their colouration to match that of the snapper.
  4. "Light " can be bluefin, skipjack or yellowfin.
  5. An 88-pound yellowfin was boated in only about 20 minutes.
  6. What rift remained began to wash away with the first yellowfin strike.
  7. Also as of Friday, 73, 114 yellowfins had been boated.
  8. Yellowfin mate Paul Skaar radioed from one of three skiffs.
  9. Yellowfin tuna are a highly migratory fish species that inhabit the Atlantic.
  10. Not all Hawaiian tuna are aristocrats like bigeye and yellowfin.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. yellow union
  2. yellow wax
  3. yellow woman
  4. yellow-bellied
  5. yellowed
  6. yellowhammer
  7. yellowhammers
  8. yellowish
  9. yellowish brown
  10. yellowish green
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