yellowness वाक्य
"yellowness" हिंदी में yellowness in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Its whiteness made the yellowness of his skin stand out.
- Canary yellow does not begin to describe the yellowness of this yellow car.
- Three subspecies are recognised, differing chiefly in the yellowness of their underparts.
- If it's any consolation, the yellowness varies from plant to plant.
- Walking outside was like walking into yellowness.
- One dimensional scales for yellowness were created, e . g ., Gardner Color Scale.
- Irwin moved onto Westinghouse, which was worse than the standard incandescent ( in terms of yellowness ).
- Blackmore observes flowers and asks where resides the experience of them e . g ., their yellowness.
- Light which triggers this greenness response more than the yellowness or blueness of the other color opponent mechanism is called green.
- Besides the yellowness in the skin of the White Gem, Townsend and Perdue birds, all had unattractive bright yellow fat.
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