
sport मीनिंग इन हिंदी

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sport उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. into sport because they didn't actually love it;
    खेल में लाया गया था, क्योंकि ये उन्हें पसंद नहीं था .
  2. I thought, “I'm in the sports rally or something.
    मुझे लगा, “मैं किसी खेलकूद रैली जैसी जगह पर हूँ।
  3. Gradual loss of interest in school, hobbies, sport, friends etc Uncharacteristically drowsy or sleepy.
    हाथ से बनाई गई धूम्रपान की पाइप।
  4. And all of a sudden, Indian sport had awakened to the reality
    और एकाएक भारतीय क्रिकेट को इस सच्चाई का पता चल गया
  5. We'd also made cricket the only sport in India,
    हमने भारत में क्रिकेट को एकमात्र खेल बना दिया
  6. An Iranian in Tehran sports a badge of Barack Obama. (AP: Hasan Sarbakhshian)
    ओबामा की विजय और विभाजित मुसलमान
  7. Social , cultural and sporting activities
    सामाजिक , सभ्याचारिक और खेलों से संबंधित काम ।
  8. which is a pity, but in India every other sport
    जिसपे हमें तरस आती है , लेकिन भारत में हर खेल
  9. Social, cultural and sporting activities
    सामाजिक , सभ्याचारिक और खेलों से संबंधित काम ।
  10. Social , cultural and sporting activities
    सामाजिक , सभ्याचारिक और खेलों से संबंधित काम .


  1. the occupation of athletes who compete for pay
  2. an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
    पर्याय: athletics
  3. verbal wit or mockery (often at another''s expense but not to be taken seriously); "he became a figure of fun"; "he said it in sport"
    पर्याय: fun, play
  4. (biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration
    पर्याय: mutant, mutation, variation
  5. someone who engages in sports
    पर्याय: sportsman, sportswoman
  6. a person known for the way she (or he) behaves when teased or defeated or subjected to trying circumstances; "a good sport"; "a poor sport"
  7. (Maine colloquial) a temporary summer resident of Maine
    पर्याय: summercater
  1. play boisterously; "The children frolicked in the garden"; "the gamboling lambs in the meadows"; "The toddlers romped in the playroom"
    पर्याय: frolic, lark, rollick, skylark, disport, cavort, gambol, frisk, romp, run around, lark about
  2. wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat"
    पर्याय: feature, boast

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. sporotrichum achenckii
  2. sporozoa
  3. sporozoite
  4. sporran
  5. sporrans
  6. sport car
  7. sport coat
  8. sport fishing
  9. sport jacket
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