• स्ट्रॉमबोलीय सक्रियता | |
strombolian: स्ट्रामबोलीय | |
activity: कार्यकलाप क्रिया | |
strombolian activity मीनिंग इन हिंदी
strombolian activity उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- Eruptions at Sangay exhibit strombolian activity, producing ashfall, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, and lahars.
- On April 18, a portable seismometer began to record much stronger volcanic tremors that indicated a change in eruptive style from lava fountains back to Strombolian activity.
- These earthquakes increased in Strombolian activity, quickly followed by a'curtain-of-fire'lava fountain that fed a flow which cut off the road to the village of Portela by 2 a . m . The 1, 300 people living inside the caldera fled during the night to the safety of villages on the north coast.
- The eruption started on 24 June 1949 the feast day of St John, which is why in Spanish texts the eruption is referred to as " la erupcion del Nambroque o San Juan, " which in English is " The Eruption of the Nambroque or St John's volcano . " During the 1949 eruption, eruptive activity was located at three vents & mdash; Duraznero, Llano del Banco, and Hoyo Negro & mdash; mild strombolian activity occurred at the Duraznero vent.