• सूर्य किरण-पुंज | |
sun: सूर्य पतंग शूर | |
beam: किरन कड़ी चौड़ाई | |
sun beam मीनिंग इन हिंदी
sun beam उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- Sun beams through clear glass windows onto 100 almost motionless human forms.
- The shows were staged in the classical Sun Beam theatre.
- As the sun beams down on us below.
- The fog lifts, the sun beams, it is time for the descent.
- At noon, a sun beam through the hole, alit on the meridian strip.
- The sun beams off the pompadour-topped pooch painted on the outside of the Poodle Dog Lounge.
- Kal, Tyr and Tam were hit with the Red Sun beam while Gor gave the command to fire the kinetics.
- At noon, the sun beams through the windows of a three-story atrium at Boston University's Photonics Center.
- The sun beams down on colorful murals painted on city walls, and well-manicured gardens overflow with magenta bougainvilleas and fragrant gardenias.
- The movement of the sun beam can be witnessed as it progresses across the front of the temple, making the lingam appear to glow.