
suppuration मीनिंग इन हिंदी

suppuration उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Infection usually occurs as Tinea capitis with suppuration and kerion formation.
  2. If suppuration occurs, it may need needle aspiration.
  3. For nonresolving suppuration, surgical excision may be required.
  4. It is used medicinally to treat suppuration, common colds, and lithiasis.
  5. Hemorrhage, suppuration and necrosis are therefore the initial conditions leading to the xanthogranulomatous response.
  6. It typically involves the bulbar conjunctivae, is not accompanied by suppuration, and is not painful.
  7. The hallmarks of anaerobic infection include suppuration, establishment of an abscess, thrombophlebitis and gangrenous destruction of tissue with gas generation.
  8. Suppuration ( pus formation ), auto-amputation of digits ( via ainhum ), and chronic lymphedema may also be seen.
  9. In chronic angular cheilitis, there may be suppuration ( pus formation ), exfoliation ( scaling ) and formation of granulation tissue.
  10. Longworth swam in the first heat, despite suffering from what the official report referred to as " suppuration in the head ".


  1. a fluid product of inflammation
    पर्याय: pus, purulence, ichor, sanies, festering
  2. (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus
    पर्याय: festering, maturation

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. supprimer
  2. supprressor modulated class c amplifier
  3. suppurate
  4. suppurating bubo
  5. suppurating nodule
  6. suppurations
  7. suppurative
  8. suppurative endometritis
  9. suppurative endophthalmitis
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