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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. Disrespect of community rules was tantamount to disrespect of the community .
    समाज के नियमों का अनादर करने का अर्थ था समाजच का अनादर करना .
  2. Waving a banner of the visiting team will be tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot; it will not be surprising if the thousands of fans of the home team scare you out of the stadium.
    मेहमान टीम का झंडा लहराना तो अपने पाँव पर खुद कुल्हाड़ी मारने के बराबर होगा; इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं अगर घरेलू टीम के प्रशंसक तुम्हें मैदान से डराकर भगा दें.
  3. In his psychiatric counseling sessions with soldiers returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, Hasan heard information he considered tantamount to war crimes . As late as Nov. 2, three days before his murderous spree, he tried to convince at least two of his superior officers, Surman and Colonel Anthony Febbo, about the need legally to prosecute the soldiers.
    इराक और अफगानिस्तान के लौटने वाले सैनिकों के मनोवैज्ञानिक सत्र में उसने ऐसी सूचनाओं में रुचि दिखाई जो युद्ध अपराध के समकक्ष सूचनायें थीं। नरसंहार की घटना के तीन दिन पूर्व 2 नवम्बर को उसने कम से कम अपने दो वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों सरमान और कर्नल एंथोनी फेबो को समझाने का प्रयास किया इस सैनिकों को कानूनी आधार पर दंडित किया जाना चाहिये।
  4. If these studies run exactly counter to the conventional supposition that poverty, unemployment, repression, “occupation,” and malaise drive Palestinians to lethal violence, they do confirm my long-standing argument about Palestinian exhilaration being the problem. The better funded Palestinians are, the stronger they become, and the more inspired to take up arms. A topsy-turvy understanding of war economics has prevailed in Israel since the Oslo negotiations began in 1993. Rather than deprive their Palestinian enemies of resources, Israelis have been following Shimon Peres's mystical musings , and especially his 1993 tome, The New Middle East , to empower them economically. As I wrote in 2001 , this “is tantamount to sending the enemy resources while fighting is still under way - not a hugely bright idea.”
    संक्षेप में प्रत्येक 1 :25 मिलियन डालर या उससे अधिक की बजटीय आर्थिक सहायता पर एक वर्ष में एक मृत्यु होती है। जैसाकि स्टोटस्की लिखते हैं , “ इन आँकड़ो का अभिप्राय यह नहीं है कि विदेशी सहायता से हिंसा होती है परन्तु इससे प्रश्न अवश्य उठता है कि विदेशी दान का उपयोग आधुनिकता के विकास और आतंकवाद के विरूद्ध लड़ाई में सार्थकता से होता है या नहीं ”।
  5. Bernard Lewis published a book in 2001 titled What Went Wrong . Islamists loathe the West because of its being tantamount to Christendom, the historic archenemy, and its vast influence over Muslims. Islamism inspires a drive to reject, defeat, and subjugate Western civilization. Despite this urge, Islamists absorb Western influences , including the concept of ideology. Indeed, Islamism represents the transformation of Islamic faith into a political ideology. Islamism accurately indicates an Islamic-flavored version of radical utopianism, an -ism like other -isms, comparable to fascism and communism. Aping those two movements, for example, Islamism relies heavily on conspiracy theories to interpret the world, on the state to advance its ambitions, and on brutal means to attain its goals.
    सेक्युलरवादी चाहते थे कि मुसलमान शरियत ( इस्लामी कानून ) को छोड दें और पश्चिम को अंगीकार कर लें। जो इस्लाम के प्रति क्षमाभाव रखते हैं या किसी भी प्रकार उसे न्यायसंगत ठहराते हैं वे भी पश्चिम को अंगीकार करते हैं परंतु वे ऐसा दिखाव करते हैं कि ऐसा करते हुए वे शरियत का भी पालन कर रहे हैं। इस्लामवादी पश्चिम को अस्वीकार करते हैं और उनका आग्रह शरियत का पूरी तरह पालन करने पर रहता है।
  6. Behind the Libya debate looms the specter of Iraq and George W. Bush's “freedom agenda.” Bush's partisans see this as pay-back time while skeptics worry about unintended consequences. Were Barack Obama to use force in Libya, it would be tantamount to his conceding he was wrong to savage Bush's Middle East policies. It would also, following Iraq and Afghanistan, involve American troops fighting the forces of yet another majority-Muslim country, something that Obama, with his emphasis on “ mutual respect ” with Muslims, must be loathe to undertake.
    लीबिया की बहस के मध्य इराक में जार्ज डब्ल्यू बुश का “ स्वतंत्रता का एजेंडा” ध्यान में आता है। बुश के पक्षधर इसे ऋण चुकाने का समय मानते हैं जबकि इसको लेकर सशंकित लोग इसके अनिच्छित परिणामों को लेकर चिंतित हैं। क्या बराक ओबामा द्वारा लीबिया में शक्तिप्रयोग का अर्थ यह लिया जाये कि वह बुश की मध्य पूर्व की नीतियों को लेकर जो उनकी कटु आलोचना करते थे वह गलत थी? इसके साथ ही बरक ओबामा को यह भी समझना होगा कि मुस्लिमों के साथ परस्पर सम्मान की बात पर उनके जोर देने के बाद इराक और अफगानिस्तान सहित एक अन्य मुस्लिम बहुल देश में अमेरिकी सेना का युद्धरत होना कहाँ तक उचित माना जायेगा?
  7. In 2006, as voices increasingly present the “war on terror” as tantamount to a war on Islam or Muslims, it bears notice that several of the Founding Fathers publicly declared they had no enmity “against the laws, religion or tranquility” of Muslims. This antique treaty implicitly supports my argument that the United States is not fighting Islam the religion but radical Islam, a totalitarian ideology that did not even exist in 1796. Beyond shaping relations with Muslims, the statement that “the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion” has for 210 years been used as a proof text by those who argue that, in the words of a 1995 article by Steven Morris, “The Founding Fathers Were Not Christians.”
    वर्ष 2006 में जब आतंकवाद के विरूद्ध युद्ध को इस्लाम या मुसलमानों के विरूद्ध युद्ध के समकक्ष माना गया तो यह बात ध्यान देने योग्य है कि राष्ट्र निर्माताओं में से अनेक ने इस बात की सार्वजनिक घोषणा की थी कि उन्हें मुसलमानों की शान्ति, धर्म और कानून के साथ कोई शत्रुता नहीं है. यह दुर्लभ सन्धि प्रत्यक्ष रूप से मेरे उस तर्क का समर्थन करती है कि अमेरिका इस्लाम धर्म से नहीं वरन् कट्टरपंथी इस्लाम के विरूद्ध युद्ध में लिप्त है. कट्टरपंथी इस्लाम अधिनायकवादी विचारधारा है जिसका अस्तित्व 1796 में नहीं था.
  8. When one puts this in the context of what Obama said off-mic to then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev in March 2012 (“This is my last election. And after my election, I have more flexibility”) and in the context of Obama's dislike for Netanyahu , it would be wise to assume that, if Obama wins on Nov. 6, things will “calm down” for him and he finally can “be more up front” about so-called Palestine. Then Israel's troubles will really begin. Sep. 5, 2012 update : Before the Democrats restored mention of Jerusalem as Israel's capital to its party platform, Romney called the omission “very troubling” and “one more example of Israel being thrown under the bus by the president.” Sep. 16, 2012 update :Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press , Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu twice avoided answering the question of whether Obama throws Israel “under the bus” or not, finally relenting the third time. Of course, he had to deny the charge, which does not enhance Mitt Romney's credibility. Meet the Press : Governor Romney for a year, and he said it in his convention speech, has said, “President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus.” Do you agree or disagree with Governor Romney's charge? It's a serious charge. Binyamin Netanyahu : Well, you're trying to get me into the American election. and I'm not going to do that. the relationship between Israel and the United States is just a very powerful bond. It was, it is, and will be. and will continue to be. and I can tell you there's no one-there's no leader in the world who's more appreciative than me of the strength of this alliance. it's very strong. There's no one in Israel who appreciates more than me the importance of American support for Israel. It's not a partisan issue. In fact, we cherish the bipartisan support of Democrats and Republicans alike. This is critical for us. Meet the Press : … It seems to me for you to remain silent on whether this administration has thrown Israel under the bus is tantamount to agreeing with the sentiment. So where do you come down on that specific charge against President Obama ? Binyamin Netanyahu : There you go again, David, trying to draw me into something that is something not the case and is not my position. my position is that we have strong cooperation and we continue to cooperate with the best of allies. And Israel is the one reliable ally of the United States in the Middle East . Meet the Press : President Obama has not thrown Israel under the bus? Binyamin Netanyahu : There's no bus, and we're not going to get into that discussion, except to say one thing. We have a strong alliance, and we're going to continue to have a strong alliance. I think the important question is where does the-the only bus that is really important is the Iranian nuclear bus. That's the one that we have to derail. And that's my interest. That's my only interest. David Gregory and Binyamin Netanyahu on “Meet the Press,” Sep. 16, 2012. Mar. 20, 2013 update :Abunimah has just posted a picture of the whole gang - himself, the Khalidis, the Obamas, and the Saids - at a Chicago dinner. Obama and his anti-Zionist friends: Abunimah, Khalidi, and Said. Related Topics: Israel & Zionism , US policy receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    यदि मार्च 2012 में रूस के राष्ट्रपति देमेत्री मेडडेव के साथ माइक्रोफोन से अलग जो कुछ ओबामा ने कहा ( कि यह मेरा अंतिम चुनाव है और चुनाव के उपरांत मैं अधिक लचीला हो जाऊँगा ) उसे इस संदर्भ के साथ जोडें और ओबामा द्वारा नेतन्याहू को नापसंद करने से संदर्भ से भी जोडें तो यह पूर्वानुमान लगाया जा सकता है कि यदि ओबामा 6 नवम्बर को निर्वाचित होते हैं तो उनके लिये चीजें अधिक सहज हो जायेंगी और वे तथाकथित फिलीस्तीन के लिये अधिक मुखर होंगे। इसके उपरांत इजरायल का संकट आरम्भ होगा।


  1. being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt"
    पर्याय: equivalent

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