
trenchant मीनिंग इन हिंदी

trenchant उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

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  1. Yet some of his most trenchant observations concern larger aesthetic questions.
  2. He combines outrage with irony, trenchant critique with conspiracy theory.
  3. Salinger's views on celebrity are often funny and trenchant.
  4. Consider this trenchant observation by House Education Committee chairman Paul Sadler:
  5. He still has a tough, trenchant vision that often hits home.
  6. One attorney, however, did make a trenchant observation.
  7. Manet was a trenchant social commentator, Courbet a revolutionary.
  8. Overall, Shaw's opinions are the most trenchant.
  9. Trenchant comments tend to get lost in the hyperactive clutter.
  10. His hunger to know satisfied her trenchant desire to teach.


  1. clearly or sharply defined to the mind; "clear-cut evidence of tampering"; "Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest"; "trenchant distinctions between right and wrong"
    पर्याय: clear-cut, distinct
  2. characterized by or full of force and vigor; "a hard-hitting expose"; "a trenchant argument"
    पर्याय: hard-hitting
  3. having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect; "searching insights"; "trenchant criticism"
    पर्याय: searching

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. trench parapet
  2. trench system
  3. trench urinals
  4. trench warfare
  5. trenchancy
  6. trenchantly
  7. trencher
  8. trencherman
  9. trenchermen
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