
withdrawal मीनिंग इन हिंदी

[ wið'drɔ:əl ]
withdrawal उदाहरण वाक्य
नशीले पदार्थों का प्रतिकार

आहरण विनिवर्तन
निकाला जाना
वापस लेना
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. 6. Permission for withdrawal from reserved funds.
    6. संचित निधि मे धन निकालने की स्वीकृति लेना
  2. much beyond the U.S. troops' withdrawal.
    ज्यादा अमेरिकी सैनिकों की वापसी से परे.
  3. Even after long-term regular use there are no dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
    अवैध उत्तेजक पदार्थों में यह सबसे ज्यादा प्रचलित है।
  4. Withdrawal : where the body reacts to the drug being stopped .
    विदड्रॉअल : जब ड्रग लेना बंद कर देने पर शरीर प्रतिक्रिया करता है ।
  5. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
    शराब प्रत्याहार सिंड्रोम
  6. Withdrawal of services 5
    सेवाओं से मुक्त करना 5
  7. Withdrawal of services
    सेवाओं से मुक्त करना
  8. Withdrawal of services 5
    5 सेवाओं से मु> करना
  9. Each round of Israeli disengagement, withdrawal, retreat (or whatever one wishes to call it) wins the temporary approval of the wide world, as symbolized by the United Nations General Assembly.
    संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ का पसंदीदा इजरायल
  10. Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in mid-2005 deprived Gaza of its one stabilizing element.
    2005 के मध्य में गाजा से इजरायल की वापसी के बाद गाजा में स्थिरता का तत्व नष्ट हो गया।


  1. the act of withdrawing; "the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam"
  2. the termination of drug taking
    पर्याय: drug withdrawal
  3. formal separation from an alliance or federation
    पर्याय: secession
  4. a method of birth control in which coitus is initiated but the penis is deliberately withdrawn before ejaculation
    पर्याय: coitus interruptus, withdrawal method, pulling out, onanism
  5. the act of ceasing to participate in an activity
  6. the act of taking out money or other capital
  7. the act of withdrawing blood, tumors, etc.; "the nurse was expert at the withdrawal of blood"
  8. a retraction of a previously held position
    पर्याय: backdown, climb-down
  9. avoiding emotional involvement
    पर्याय: detachment

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. withdraw from a suit
  2. withdraw from the society of other
  3. withdraw the approval
  4. withdraw the attachment
  5. withdrawable
  6. withdrawal abstinence
  7. withdrawal bleeding
  8. withdrawal by cheque
  9. withdrawal form
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