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analcite मीनिंग इन हिंदी
analcite उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- A silver-bearing synthetic variety also exists ( Ag-analcite ).
- The alkaline basalt contains olivine and analcite.
- Mineral assemblages in phonolite occurrences are usually abundant feldspathoids ( nepheline, sodalite, hauyne, leucite and analcite ) and alkali feldspar ( sanidine, anorthoclase or orthoclase ), and rare sodic plagioclase.
- They are found in serpentine and, especially where the lavas contain nepheline or leucite, are often rich in zeolites, such as analcite, prehnite, natrolite, scolecite, chabazite, heulandite, etc.
- Paulingite is mostly isotropic and in extreme cases that faint, isolated, fuzzy and weak birefringent twinning which is a determining factor for differentiating paulingite from analcite ( NaAlSi 2 O 6 " H 2 O ).
- The missourites are more mafic and consist of leucite, olivine, augite and biotite; the leucite is partly fresh partly altered to analcite, and the rock has a spotted character recalling that of the leucite-syenites.
- The name " picrite " can also be applied to an olivine-rich alkali basalt : such picrite consists largely of phenocrysts of olivine and titanium-rich augite pyroxene with minor plagioclase set in a groundmass of augite and more sodic plagioclase and perhaps analcite and biotite.