• स्वेदल बहिर्जनस्तर दुर्विकसन | |
ectodermal: उल्व-बर्हिजनस्तर | |
ectodermal dysplasia: बहिर्जनस्तर | |
dysplasia: दुर्विकसन | |
hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia मीनिंग इन हिंदी
hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- This gene is located in the 13q11 region, which is associated with the genetic diseases Clouston hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and Kabuki syndrome.
- "' Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia "'( also known as " Alopecia congenita with keratosis palmoplantaris, " " Clouston syndrome, " " Fischer Jacobsen Clouston syndrome, " " Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, " " Keratosis palmaris with drumstick fingers, " and " Palmoplantar keratoderma and clubbing " ) is caused by mutations in a connexin gene, GJB6 or connexin-30, characterized by scalp hair that is wiry, brittle, and pale, often associated with patchy alopecia.
- "' Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia "'( also known as " Alopecia congenita with keratosis palmoplantaris, " " Clouston syndrome, " " Fischer Jacobsen Clouston syndrome, " " Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, " " Keratosis palmaris with drumstick fingers, " and " Palmoplantar keratoderma and clubbing " ) is caused by mutations in a connexin gene, GJB6 or connexin-30, characterized by scalp hair that is wiry, brittle, and pale, often associated with patchy alopecia.