
pawpaw मीनिंग इन हिंदी

pawpaw उदाहरण वाक्य
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उदाहरण वाक्य

अधिक:   आगे
  1. They are also partial to grapes and pawpaw ( papaya ).
  2. The easily bruised pawpaw fruits do not ship well unless frozen.
  3. Various pawpaw brews and other pawpaw-related activities are offered.
  4. Various pawpaw brews and other pawpaw-related activities are offered.
  5. The first Pawpaw Festival took place on October 10, 1999.
  6. The common pawpaw is also of interest in colonial thickets.
  7. Pawpaws may also be blended into ice cream or included in pancakes.
  8. In Kansas, Swan's mother dies, as does PawPaw.
  9. Moreover, the birth of the Ohio Pawpaw Growers Association took place.
  10. The pawpaw became the official state native fruit of Ohio.


  1. fruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples
    पर्याय: papaw
  2. small tree native to the eastern United States having oblong leaves and fleshy fruit
    पर्याय: papaw, papaw tree, Asimina triloba
  3. tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit
    पर्याय: papaya, papaia, papaya tree, melon tree, Carica papaya

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. pawnbroker
  2. pawnbrokers
  3. pawner
  4. pawnor
  5. pawnshop
  6. pawpaws
  7. paws
  8. pax
  9. pax britannica
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