
characterizing वाक्य

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उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Ignoring his communist outlook by characterizing him as an extreme rightist. Thus, New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison asserted that “Oswald would have been more at home with Mein Kampf than Das Kapital. ”
    यह राजनैतिक भूल-भूलैया दो दुस्साहसी चरणों में बंटी हुई है। इसका पहला भाग है ओसवाल्ड
  2. The Department of Justice had withheld characterizing the shooting while federal agents launched a worldwide probe. They determined it was terrorism related to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, said Matthew McLaughlin, an FBI spokesman in Los Angeles. “The investigation developed information that he openly supported the killings of civilians in order to advance the Palestinian cause,” McLaughlin said. ... The investigation found that Hadayet had become increasingly militant in recent years. Just weeks before the shooting, he bought the weapons used in the attack, closed his bank accounts and sent his family overseas. At the time, Hadayet, who lived in Irvine, was $10,000 in debt, and his limousine businesses was struggling, authorities said. Comment on this item
    कार्य क्षेत्र का विवाद, घृणा अपराध, सडक की उत्तेजना, मानसिक स्थिति, अवसाद या तनाव , उद्योग दुर्घटना ऐसे वक्तव्य हैं जो कि इंकार हैं और इनके चलते आतंकवाद प्रतिरोध के प्रभावी स्वरूप को रोका जाता है। सरकारों के लिये अवसर आ गया है कि वे हम सभी के समान आतंकवाद को उसके सही नाम से पुकारें।

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. characteristics
  2. characterization
  3. characterize
  4. characterized
  5. characterizes
  6. characterless
  7. characterlessness
  8. characterology
  9. charactron
  10. charade
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