
characterology वाक्य

"characterology" हिंदी में  characterology in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. She specialized in graphology and characterology, giving courses over such material.
  2. Later, others tried to improve on his theories with systems such as characterology.
  3. He was also active in Brazil and Canada, where he founded institutes for characterology.
  4. In his " Formation of Character " ( 2nd edition, 1928 ) Wahle made important contributions to modern characterology.
  5. Vladimir Dvornikovi, a famous philosopher, later advocated the establishment of a Yugoslav ethnicity in his 1939 book entitled " The Characterology of the Yugoslavs ".
  6. He authors the book " Battle Idea " in 1937, and then writes his most famous book in 1939, titled " Characterology of the Yugoslavs ."
  7. After graduating from Amherst he resided for several years in New York City, where in addition to taking law and architectural courses he devoted his time to his study of Characterology.
  8. The most striking instance of antiquated characterology may be an old black-and-white newsreel, in which an upbeat baritone, speaking over the clicking of the projector, sums up the slugger Ted Williams.
  9. The key concepts of FSP were laid down by Jan Firbas in the mid-1950s on the basis of the linguistic work of Vil�m Mathesius, especially his idea of functional syntax in linguistic characterology of language.
  10. McCormick suggested possible applications for characterology, e . g ., advice for parents and educators, guidance in military officer promotions, evaluating thinking patterns ( i . e ., reason-oriented or memory-oriented ), assessing business associates and competitors, career counseling, and selecting marital partners.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. characterized
  2. characterizes
  3. characterizing
  4. characterless
  5. characterlessness
  6. charactron
  7. charade
  8. charades
  9. charbon
  10. charco
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