fumigant वाक्य
"fumigant" हिंदी में fumigant in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- The use of methyl iodide as a fumigant has drawn concern.
- AlP is used as both a fumigant and an oral pesticide.
- Fumigants in grain storage bins are commonly used for insect control.
- Dazomet is one water-activated fumigant that could be used.
- It is a soil fumigant formerly used in American agriculture.
- :Forget naphthalene, it is only a fumigant insecticide.
- This compound, methyl bromide, is widely used as an agricultural fumigant.
- Other options were discussed but the gas fumigant is preferred, she said.
- Strawberries depend on large applications of fumigants containing pesticides.
- This process ensures 100 % activation of the fumigant.
अधिक: आगे