
fumigant वाक्य

"fumigant" हिंदी में  fumigant in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The use of methyl iodide as a fumigant has drawn concern.
  2. AlP is used as both a fumigant and an oral pesticide.
  3. Fumigants in grain storage bins are commonly used for insect control.
  4. Dazomet is one water-activated fumigant that could be used.
  5. It is a soil fumigant formerly used in American agriculture.
  6. :Forget naphthalene, it is only a fumigant insecticide.
  7. This compound, methyl bromide, is widely used as an agricultural fumigant.
  8. Other options were discussed but the gas fumigant is preferred, she said.
  9. Strawberries depend on large applications of fumigants containing pesticides.
  10. This process ensures 100 % activation of the fumigant.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. fumbling
  2. fume
  3. fume hood
  4. fumer
  5. fumes
  6. fumigate
  7. fumigating
  8. fumigation
  9. fumigator
  10. fuming acid
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