
organicism वाक्य

"organicism" हिंदी में  organicism in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Sinnott was a proponent of organicism and a critic of reductionism.
  2. In other words he was a proponent of a variety of organicism.
  3. The work of Haldane was an influence on organicism.
  4. Thomas Hobbes arguably put forward a form of organicism.
  5. A number of biologists in the early to mid-twentieth century embraced organicism.
  6. According to Ernst Mayr, Ritter introduced the third school of thought : organicism.
  7. Today, organicism might be called systems theory.
  8. Organicism believed that life was interrelationships between living things, living in a complex web.
  9. "purity " and " organicism " were encoded with distinct political meanings?
  10. Gilbert and Sarkar distinguish organicism from holism to avoid what they see as the vitalistic or spiritualistic connotations of holism.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. organic treatment
  2. organic unity
  3. organic waste
  4. organic whole
  5. organically
  6. organicity
  7. organics
  8. organisation
  9. organisation of village panchayats
  10. organisational
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