originators वाक्य
"originators" हिंदी में originators in a sentenceउदाहरण वाक्य
- Hobbes appeared to me as the originator of modern political philosophy.
- American Savings is California's second largest residential mortgage originator.
- VALDOSTA _ The originator of booster clubs, founded in 1944.
- The loan originator then has to try harder, Slocum said.
- "I am the originator, " he exults.
- Some results were better than the originators hoped, some worse.
- The Boston Consulting Group is the originator of business strategy consulting.
- She is the originator of the natural food movement in America.
- She is also credited as the originator of the prawn cocktail.
- Speculated originators jokingly include the CIA, Mossad, or spaceship.
अधिक: आगे