
orinase वाक्य

"orinase" हिंदी में  orinase in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. The result was a cross-licensing agreement which produced Orinase.
  2. The question of whether Orinase did or did not increase cardiovascular problems has not been conclusively settled.
  3. Orinase and other sulfonylureas emerged from European pharmaceutical research into antibiotics, specifically from attempts to develop sulfa compounds.
  4. Initially, many are treated with a combination of low-sugar diet, exercise and oral medications like Orinase, which has been around for decades.
  5. Empire was the first Canadian firm to license and manufacture popular medications like Valium ( diazepam ), Orinase ( tolbutamide ) and Tetracyn ( tetracycline ).
  6. The resulting class of drugs for lowering blood sugar came to be known as the sulfonylureas, starting with Orinase and still in use today in other forms.
  7. The result was that Orinase and other medical treatments for prediabetes were " rolled back " by the FDA and practitioners in an attempt to focus on symptomatic patients for whom the risks of treatment might be balanced by the symptoms of the disease.
  8. Orinase began to fall out of favor in May 1970 when asymptomatic prediabetics on long-term regimens of Orinase began to see news reports ( beginning with the " Washington Post " ) that Orinase may have serious side effects including death from cardiovascular problems, according to a long-term study.
  9. Orinase began to fall out of favor in May 1970 when asymptomatic prediabetics on long-term regimens of Orinase began to see news reports ( beginning with the " Washington Post " ) that Orinase may have serious side effects including death from cardiovascular problems, according to a long-term study.
  10. Orinase began to fall out of favor in May 1970 when asymptomatic prediabetics on long-term regimens of Orinase began to see news reports ( beginning with the " Washington Post " ) that Orinase may have serious side effects including death from cardiovascular problems, according to a long-term study.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. originating traffic
  2. origination
  3. originator
  4. originators
  5. orihon
  6. orion
  7. orismology
  8. orison
  9. orkney
  10. orlon
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