
yardsticks वाक्य

"yardsticks" हिंदी में  yardsticks in a sentence  

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Sometimes I think the only real yardstick for success is longevity.
  2. But Shinto is almost impossible to explain by any Western yardstick.
  3. The new yardstick of success is booming trade, however achieved.
  4. Even companies that have profits are measured by a different yardstick.
  5. But there is no citizenship yardstick for having your number retired.
  6. By any yardstick, Shabazz's daughters have been successful.
  7. The results will, of course, be the ultimate yardstick.
  8. By his own yardstick, Barksdale seems to pass the test.
  9. "There are different yardsticks, " he said.
  10. And by this yardstick, living has become a lot easier.
अधिक:   आगे

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. yardarm
  2. yardbird
  3. yardman
  4. yardmaster
  5. yardstick
  6. yarn
  7. yarning
  8. yarns
  9. yarrow
  10. yarrows
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