• शैवाल-निक्षेपाश्म • स्ट्रोमैटोलाइट |
stromatolite मीनिंग इन हिंदी
stromatolite उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
अधिक: आगे- The stromatolite community is threatened by nutrient enrichment and physical crushing.
- A typical stromatolite consists of alternating layers of sediment and microbes.
- Stromatolite structures are evident within the Gunflint Iron Formation.
- The waters are rich in magnesium and the stromatolite structures are made of hydromagnesite.
- Accretion hypotheses can be tested using numerical simulations based on modern stromatolite growth processes.
- During the Precambrian, Wyoming was covered by a shallow sea inhabited by stromatolite-forming bacteria.
- In his Proterozoic works, the specimens of stromatolite are the remnants of the Earth taking shape.
- The Proterozoic Belt Supergroup contains evidence of possible microbial mat and dome structures similar to stromatolite reef complexes.
- At Hamelin Pool there is an interpretive boardwalk for tourists to venture out and examine the stromatolite structures.
- The stromatolites are similar to 3, 500 million year old stromatolite fossils found in many places around the world.